This may seem a little crazy to some but according to Apartment Therapy, you’re actually better off freezing your jeans to clean them as it keeps the raw denim intact and it really does work. The cold temperature effectively kills the bacteria that you’ve picked up when wearing them, keeping your jeans feeling clean. Obviously this isn’t going to get a stain out, so you’re going to at least need to spot clean if you get visible dirt on your fancy jeans, but if they’re just feeling dirty from wear, they might just need a good freeze in a plastic bag. Basically all you have to do is brush your jeans off, fold them, put them in a plastic bag, push all the air out, and then toss that bag in the freezer. I got scrammed by someone once for putting my jeans in the freezer for the first time, so be mindful of what’s inside the freezer (eg: foods and stuff) before you toss it in!