Gentle Bones greets us in the new decade with a song laced with wistful questions. Why Do We? shows the constant turnover in Bones’ mind as he navigates through life, friendships, relationships and the things left half-said.
His latest single, Why Do We? is a song that questions why we perceive intimacy the way we do today. Love is interpreted differently by everyone and sometimes we lose bits of ourselves by buying into the expectations of others or the romanticized and outdated ideals of love, comradeship and friendship that we were sold through the movies and media. It is not because of cluelessness; rather, a lack of sufficient experience to truly understand how much the love we need may differ from the supposed ‘norms’ we see around us. People come and go in our lives but most of the time, it is a lot more complex a situation than it may seem.
Why Do We? plays out a wavering stream of communication that pushes past hurt and idealism. It eventually comes to terms with the conflicting reality of relationships in both its tapering moments and moments of surety.
In the first few seconds of the track, Gentle Bones’ voice quivers through the lyrics with a certain vulnerability. Approaching the chorus, the track slowly lifts into a hazy yet smooth aural scene as his voice drives with more resonance. This is definitely a song that should accompany you when you want to have your thoughts to yourself.
Listen to ‘Why Do We?’ here