The party demons at SUP did it again! As expected, the HTC X SUP “Set Your Music Free” Street Party on 1st October was loud, fun and everything else but boring. On top ofDJ Koflow hyping the crowd with awesome tunes, the party crowd experience more than the usual with photographer BUM ARIFFINproducing a video and a series of images shot entirely on the new HTC Sensation just to showcase how amazing the HTC Sensation is.
Check out the videos and images Here
Thanks for the invite , I had fun…
For those who didn’t manage to make it down to the party, feel free to check out the photos courtesy of SUP & Sulhan.
HTC Sensation, dubbed the multimedia superphone has a 4 1/2 CNET star reviewed which spots a 8M pixel Camera and the ability to shoot 1080p video.
– Yankit