Ever found yourself stuck in the occurrence of a road rage or found yourself obsessing over social media so much that it is taking over your life? The Necessary Stage presents Poor Thing, a production that grapples with the issue of road rage and also taps into the obsession of living lives through the social media in this digital age.
A fun, innovative and true-to-life play, Poor Thing explores the ugly side of citizen journalism and bad behaviour of Singaporeans into focus.
What’s unique about this production is that it involves social media interaction with the audience. Audiences will be contacted via email a day prior to the performance and invited to watch a video clip of an accident before they enter the theatre to catch the ‘live’ action on stage.
The element of social media interaction continues as more clips are posted on the Internet for audiences to view and comment on in real time during the play.
A production not to be missed, Poor Thing is directed by Alvin Tan and written by Haresh Sharma and features Siti Khalijah Zainal, Sharda Harrison, Joshua Lim and Dwayne Lau.
Poor Thing runs from 26 February to 2 March and from 5 to 9 March 2014 at The Necessary Stage Black Box. Tickets are priced at $31 and $23, inclusive of ticketing fees (concession for students, senior citizens and NSF). Get your tickets now at poorthing.peatix.com.