When it comes to self-expression, men’s office-wear has its limitations. There are no statement necklaces nor pretty nail polishes to spice up a dull ensemble. Sure, there are quirky socks and snazzy ties, but why not push the envelope further aye? Eugene Ng, the brains behind The Get On By A Shoestring Project, is well aware of the restrictions of this style sector.
“I observed that in Singapore, we generally do not leave room for spontaneity in our lives,” he said. Eugene is not an all-talk-no-action kinda guy however, and sees this as an opportunity for spontaneity. The Get By On A Shoestring Project introduces a series of lacing patterns that allows you to go big, by going small. This is your guide to jazzing up your number – from brogues and boots, to sneakers and running shoes:
The Lightning
The Zipper
The Ladder
The Hash
With The Get On By A Shoestring Project, shoelaces are no longer an overlooked element of footwear (nor overshadowed by its counterpart i.e. socks). It aims to encourage a culture of self-expression through the lacing patterns. After all, a little action can go a long way in making one’s day a tad more stylish.
Tip Off is a column featuring life hacks that will add a spark to your daily life.