Late last year, 32 lomography enthusiasts, including 10 from Lomonesia (Indonesia) embarked on a Lomokino Project of Singapore organised by Thirtysix. Five teams were formed and each team was tasked to shoot three different films that showcase the various unique traits of Singapore, using the Lomokino movie camera.
The team with the best mini movies was awarded prizes sponsored by Lomography. More about the winners will be featured in a separate story. In the meantime, enjoy the Lomokino movies from the Lomography Project of Singapore below! And experience the charm and creative possibilities of analogue.
‘Bargain’ by 7 In A Car:
‘Relak One Corner’ by 7 In A Car:
‘Shopping’ by 7 In A Car:
‘Bargain’ by haha 神掌幫:
‘Relak One Corner’ by haha 神掌幫:
‘Shopping’ by haha 神掌幫:
‘Chop’ by Lomonesia Garuda:
‘Complain’ by Lomonesia Garuda:
‘Queue’ by Lomonesia Garuda:
‘Complain’ by Lomography Ina (A):
‘Kiasu’ by Lomography Ina (A):
‘Makan’ by Lomography Ina (A):
‘Kiasu’ by The Rejects:
‘Makan’ by The Rejects:
‘Queue’ by The Rejects: